9.4 Growth Monitoring Using RHEED - Growth of Cubic GaN on MgO 001 and
GaAs 001
Attempts were made to grow cubic GaN on MgO as shown in Figure 24. The
first set of images show the MgO "as is" RHEED pattern, the next set MgO
under NH_3 flux, and the last set MgO under both NH_3 and Ga flux. Using
an AlN buffer layer of several monolayer successful growth was conducted,
but both the AlN and GaN layers became polycrystalline with preferred orientations
(not shown). More studies are needed and planned. Growth of cubic GaN on
GaAs 001 was attempted once with a similar result as for MgO 001.
Figure 24 (below): Cubic GaN growth attempt on MgO 001 (100 and
110 direction)

MgO under NH_3 Flux

MgO under NH_3 and Ga Flux

Figure 24: Cubic GaN growth attempt on MgO 001 (100 and 110 direction)
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